Saturday, December 15, 2012

The downside to living alone.

Having been living the life of the bachelor for a number of years, I have been lucky to experience all the joys of the bachelor life and it has been great. I can watch what I like on the television without having any arguments, take a bath or shower without finding out that there is no hot water because it has been used already. I am in control of my home and my environment and very nice it is too. Well it is very good most of the time; however, there are certain times, when living alone is not so great and these are what I am going to look at in this article.
Researchers are always warning us that for the most part, accidents seem to happen in the home, so by living on your own, there is a risk that having an accident means that you are left to deal with it by yourself. Not only that but there are certain situations where being alone is not conducive to a happy and contented life and it is these things that can cause problems for any one living on their own.
The first problem is one that in all likelihood has affected everyone who either lives alone or has been left at home alone, at some point in their lives. Namely, being in the bath or shower when the doorbell rings, this is something that seems to happen on a regular basis and results in the dreaded dash for the towel in the hope of making it to the front before who ever it is, leaves. More often than not this scenario arises when you are expecting a delivery and typically if you do make it in time it often transpires that the person at the door is someone trying to sell you something.
Next up is moving furniture. This is something that needs to be undertaken by at least two people, especially if the item being moved is large, bulky or just plain heavy. This leaves you with the dilemma of trying to sweet talk somebody into helping you, be it friends, family or neighbors.
One of the most annoying problems is getting yourself locked out of your own home. If you have a neighbor who also lives alone who you can trust then may be it will be a good idea to swap spare keys in case this situation arises.