Thursday, November 1, 2012

The difference between the bachelor life and the married life.

Living a Bachelor life means that men can take pleasure in being free of pressure, because men are not fastened by responsibilities that come with being married. Those who are bachelors but still live with their parents are probably the ones who have the least amount of responsibility as all things such as food preparation and the payments of bills are usually carried out by the parents.
With a bachelor life free of responsibility you do not have to worry about certain decisions such as quitting a job you no longer enjoy and waiting around for a better one, this is because you can relax at your home without the problem of being evicted by your landlord for not paying your rent. The problem with doing this whilst being married is that your lack of employment may well be a major concern and worry for your spouse and may well lead to arguments and recriminations, something that a bachelor does not have to worry about.
There are some concerns associated with bachelor life such as losing contact with some of your friends when they decide to get married themselves.
When living the bachelor life you do not need to worry too much about what you want to do with your time, you can visit the nearest bar when you want see your pals whenever you like and when you go to the movies you can watch what you want. However when you are married you end up spending less time doing what you want a more time with your family either that or risk the wrath of your partner. All of your time is going to be spent attending to the needs of your family and making sure that they are healthy and well so the difference between being married and the bachelor life is great.

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